Thursday, October 1, 2015

The day that shook us all but taught us to stand strong

These snaps define my past 13 days since the day that shook the Nepalese, not merely shook the ground beneath our feet but shook our minds and hearts to the realization how vulnerable and valuable our lives are. Some of these pictures portray the aftermath of the quake- those heart wrenching sights of various areas from Basantapur to Indrayani to Balaju to Chogaun turned into rubble and many such places where most of us had at least once set a foot upon before this unfortunate hellish disaster. While some photos capture moments of how each of us contributed in our own little ways to pacify our disturbed hearts and minds caused by the Earthquake of “Bahattar Saal Baisakh Mahina Bara gatey around Bara baje making epicenter in Barpak area”! (A day that has been etched in our minds and the day that has indeed taught those who survived it that we lived through it for a reason and we need to justify it!)

As residents (including me) lived out in the air under tents after the series of after-schocks and tremors that followed.

                 A mobile toilet constructed. 

One of my friend in the cleaning campaign posing in front of the model mobile-toilet. 

 Girls on the rescue-run. My friends and me in the rescue team!

An unfortunate scene of a house in my neighborhood slanted sidewise due to the quake. 

My brother and me teamed up to distribute the relief items to the quake victims (mostly basic sanitation and food items.) 

          Happy to volunteer- my brother with a box of food ready for distribution to volunteers!

The land of Buddha-Nepal.

The 9 storeyed historical monument Dharahara collapsed

Thapathali turn-about temple collapsed and its valuable remaining excavated. 

 On the truck ride to an affected area with friends to observe and examine the situation

Spending some quality time with family after the unfortunate event and felling blessed to have them by my side.

One of my most favorite places- Basantapur Durbar Square turns into rubble...

Kudos to the cleaning team! (Note: My brother, taller than me, at my back, just loves to smile wide in all pictures! )

My friends and me packing and arranging clothes to get it ready for distribution.